Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Setting the Stage: Zelda

So last week I read an article by awesome Zelda Blogger Tourian Tourist and it got me thinking. If you're interested you can take a look at it right here:

The idea of a Zelda game that breaks out of known settings and tries something new, has interested me for a long time. Yes Zelda is one of the quintessential Fantasy Medieval Games, but that has never stopped from incorporating different themes into its games. From the open sea of Wind Waker to the Trains of Spirit Tracks. Still it always remained true to it's classic fantasy core. I think it's time to change that and try something completely new. And with the groundwork already done through Zelda U the team could build upon the engine and knowledge to go truly wild.

So here are three scenarios I would like to see Zelda play in.

Wild West:

 Image Source:

Just like Tourian Tourist suggested in his article, a Wild West Zelda could be a great idea. Link as lonely stranger that travels the land and brings justice wherever he goes, sounds like a lot of fun. Epona would, of course, be an integral part of the gameplay. Also the trains could make a comeback, and this time even make sense in context. Couple that with a variety of side quests like train robberies, bandit chases, treasure hunts and the always excellent Zelda dungeon design, and you've got yourself a great new Zelda game.

Of course it shouldn't stray to far from the core Zelda concept and turn the game into a shooter or something like that. Link should still be Link after all. But a change of scenario could bring fresh ideas into the series.

And a Wild West Scenario would bring a lot of cool areas as well. From lonely dust ridden plains, with small settlements here and there, all the way to snowy mountaintops and lush needle forests, where the gold rush is taken place.

We even can get a small glimpse of what could be, if you take a look at Kakariko and the Hidden Village in Twilight Princess. Still a Wild West Zelda, as awesome as it could be, is only number three on my list of alternate Zelda scenarios I'd like to see.


Image Source: Pinterest

Hyrule City. Dark alleyways full of shadows and secrets. Long nights under the full moon. A cold breeze howling through the streets. Narrow streets, secrets and poverty dominate the scene. At the other side of the City another world exists. Lush green parks. Wide cobbled streets. Luxurious mansions.

This Hyrule is a world of extremes and the setting for a pretty dark Zelda game. Inspired by the aesthetics of Victorian Age. Link could take many roles here. A young officer in Hyrule Cities corrupt police force. A boy from the Slums. Or even a total stranger, who happens to arrive in this dark and brooding city.

Style wise I would take Bloodbourne as an example. It captures the dark and menacing atmosphere of a city and it's surrounding Lands engulfed in darkness perfectly.

A huge city could prove to be a difficult scenario to pull of satisfyingly. After all it has the potential to become quite monotonous and boring. Still I think it could be done. Just look at Bloodbourne. With some surrounding lands and variety inside the City (Slums, Noble areas, Parks, Industry, etc.) this could become a very unique Zelda experience.

Dark catacombs, old cathedrals, abandoned asylums and the laboratory of an insane scientist would also make for quite the interesting dungeon settings.

Also Link wearing a Top Hat!


Image Source: Pinterest

And now for my Number 1. And while this scenario often goes hand in hand with a Victorian setting, I wouldn't got for that. More of a classic medieval Hyrule with the addition of Steampunk elements. Airships. Robotic enemies. Maybe even a flying Hyrule City. Just look at Columbia from Bioshock Infinite.

This scenario would also add itself to the idea of a Open World Zelda. I once mentioned a baseless rumor about Zelda U, that I quite liked. In it Link was a tinker that crafted his own items and dungeons and side activities provided you with blueprints and materials to do so. In a Steampunk setting this would make even more sense. It also allows the player to choose his next course of action. Should he create the Hookshot or the Beetle... or Bombs or Digging Claws...

The Setting could also lead to new puzzles and ideas. Zelda has already often drifted in this direction. Twilight Princess City in the Sky or the robots from Skyward Sword come to mind. Delving fully into the potential a Steampunk scenario offers certainly would make for an aweseome and unique Zelda experience.

And that's the list of my top three alternative Zelda scenarios. I may delve deeper into them speratly on another occasion, but for now I would like to know which settings you would like Nintendo to try in the future.

And as always

Thanks for reading 

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