Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Zelda U Ideas

So there was an interesting leak about Zelda U on Zelda Europe the other week. And no matter if you believe it or not, it got me thinking. What do I expect from a next gen Zelda game?

Well if you want to get up to date on the leak then you can read it here in german:

also did an excellent English translation.

Everything in this leak sound good, and more important, believable. Even though a Q4 2016 release sucks, it makes sense. This way Zelda U will be a last swan song for the unappreciated Wii-U and an port for the NX (if the system launches in that time frame) is also possible.

But this leak also got me thinking. It seems that they are still facing the empty world problem from Twilight Princess and (to a degree) Wind Waker and I truly hope the can fix it. A believable open world it something I'm still missing from many games. And I hope they leave some loneliness. I think I said it once in an earlier post. The Gerudo Desert in Twilight Princess is perfect the way it its. The loneliness creates a great sense of immersion for me. The Problem is just that the rest of the world feels the same. But this empty world syndrome is a problem, which can't be really discussed. Either they solve it or they don't.

I want to focus on something different. Earlier this year I read an interesting ''leak'' for Zelda U. It was obviously fake, but it had some nice ideas, which I thought would have some potential, if expanded upon.

The leak was mostly talking about the story. In this iteration Link would be an adventurer and tinkerer that explores a mostly uncharted Hyrule. There wouldn't be a kingdom, only some small self contained village communities. Zelda would appear as leader of a gang of Gerudo mercenaries with Ganondorf as her second in command. The game should revolve around the theme of destiny and what we can do to change it. It was a nice read, but only posted on an anonymous image board and all in all not very believable.

However the part about Link got me intrigued. I'm a huge fan of the item System in a Link between Worlds, and this tinkerer approach could help recreate this in Zelda U. Aonuma said that the intend to start the puzzle solving with the decision of your next objective. How do you get there? How do you solve the challenges the destination confronts you with?
An item system like in a Link between Worlds could immensely help with that. But how would the integrate it? Just another Shop like Ravios?
Well that is when the tinkerer idea comes into play. Link builds his weapons himself this time. Each weapon needs different materials to craft. So in this case you'd have to choose if you build the Hammer, which needs a forge, steel and so on, or the Hookshot, which also needs steel, but also oil and other components. By having some items need the same materials, you'd force the player to choose. This way you couldn't craft all weapons at the beginning, but really had to decide which one fits your playstyle the most. Gathering these materials creates an incentive to venture out int the world and explore.
Upgrading could also be done in a similar way. Across the world, in dungeons, towns and caves Link could find blueprints, which allow him to upgrade the weapons, creating another layer of individuality. Do you want to upgrade your Bow or craft the Boomerang.

I tremendously enjoyed the freedom in a Link between Worlds, but it also was to easy to get all items early. There should have been a little more difficulty to it, thus creating the need to choose your items carefully.

This is what I hope getting from Zelda U.

Apart from that everything the leak from Zelda Europe sounds believable. Zelda U as kind of a best of makes sense, and I hope they utilize the longer development time and create a great open world.

What are your thoughts about the leak or Zelda U in general?

And as always
thanks for reading

source of both pictures: Nintendo

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