Friday, January 23, 2015

Games you (probably) haven't heard about: Deadly Creatures

Well there won't be a review every week. I lack the money to buy games each week (and probably the time too). So no Citizens of Earth review... But it looks like a good and fun game.

But what I intend to do to keep this blog filled with content apart from my humble thoughts and review is also introduce some (probably) not so well known games that I think are worth playing.

And for starters I would like to talk about a good game I mentioned in one of my earlier posts. Coming directly from the age when THQ was still alive and Kicking:

Deadly Creatures is a pretty unique game. Like many others of it's kind it found its home on the Wii console, because of her cheap development costs and unique control scheme. Deadly Creatures is an action game in the style of Devil May Cry and God of War. It's not nearly as flashy though. In this game you take the control over a spider and a scorpion. You switch back and forth between the two creatures while the try to stay alive in their desert home. A secondary plot (or main plot one could argue) that happens in the background involves humans, treasures and betrayal. It's not as interesting as one might think, but it's funny how it ties together with the journeys of the spider and the scorpion.

What I really like about this game is the unique viewpoint it gives you on the surroundings. The developers really managed to give you a feel of how massive everything is from the perspective of these two critters. A simple lizard roaring like a Tyrannosaurus Rex is quite imposing... and awesome.
As a Wii game you can't expect awesome graphics from the title. They aren't bad, but the game hasn't aged well. Still I like the atmosphere of the desert. Switching between underground and ground level areas keeps everything fresh.

The main selling point of the game, at least for me, are however the two ''Deadly Creatures''. They both play pretty unique with the spider as an agile, ninja like character and the scorpion as a fucking tank. The constant switching between the two keeps each fighting style fresh and it's just a lot of fun to impale beetles with the scorpion. I preferred fighting as a scorpion, but the levels of the spider are the better ones. With her web slinging abilities she is much more mobile than her counterpart and thereof resulting her levels are more open.

I also want to praise the boss fights. There aren't many throughout the game, but they are memorable. I once read that the developers intended these fights to be reminiscent of classic clashes in Monster movies. Like Godzilla vs. Mothra.
And they achieve this quite well. Like I said, it's really imposing facing a Gila Monster roaring like a full blown dinosaur.

Yes these creature really is known as Gila Monster.

One last thing I wanted to mention is the excellent music of the game. Sound effects are wonderfully disgusting with cracking noises everywhere. Also the developers managed to capture the ambiance of the desert quite well. Actual music isn't found to often but used perfectly to set some accents.

This concludes my short post about this cool, little game. Deadly Creatures is a unique experience and a fine game. Apart from some camera issues there is nothing I remember as a negative point. However there apart from the setting there isn't also much that stands out. But for me this fresh and new setting was more than enough to warrant a purchase. And with Wii-U fully backwards compatible such games are the perfect fit to fill the droughts in Nintendos line up. You can probably find Deadly Creatures on Amazon or the next game shop in your vicinity that sells used Wii games for around 10-20 bucks. And if you're on the fence I recommend watching some Youtube Videos about the game.

Deadly Creatures hasn't sold too well, but it's definitely worth giving it a shot. I had a lot of fun playing through it, and that is what count's in the end.
However don't count on getting attached to the main characters.

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