Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Xenoblade DLC

Well I wanted to write an opinion piece about Mario 3D World and how it was the Mario Game we deserved, but not the one the Wii-U needed, but with recent news about Xenoblade Chronicles I have to push this back to Thursday or Friday.

Because today the first information about Xenoblade Chronicles X DLC became public. We knew for a time now that the game would be supported through paid DLC.
For the record, I don't dislike DLC. I think they are a good way to support a game after launch and enhance the experience. But they have to be priced right and shouldn't feel like they have been cut out of the game before launch. In the past Addons fulfilled the same purpose. DLC even have the advantage that they can be smaller and bigger.

Now that we have that established, let me tell you why, in my opinion, the Xenoblade DLC is the wrong kind of DLC. Firstly it will be available when the game launches, which means that this DLC could have been on the disc. Day One and Pre-Order DLC are an epitome of anti-consumer behavior. Yes I know that a game is finished long before it releases and that the developers have idle time between launch and gold status to create new things. But I would rather have them working on a bigger DLC, which takes several months to complete, than small packs only created to earn a quick buck.

But what is the content of these DLCs? Well it doesn't get better. Firstly there will be four character packs, containing a new character for your group and three missions. This is one of the worst DLC that Nintendo could have integrated into the game. Now we don't know how many different party members can be recruited in the game already, but this creates just a bad aftertaste. Especially when it seems that the DLC characters have more attention to detail than the standard ones. Each character pack will cost 4 bucks, and I honestly can't say that this is worth it. It doesn't add anything new to the experience, because the missions most likely will take place in already existing areas of the game an the characters won't bring much to the table either.

But this DLC sounds awesome in comparison to the other package Monolith and Nintendo will offer. The so called Support DLC Quests allow you to accelerate the rate at which you'll gain money, experience or improve the relationship between your characters. Now this is total bullshit and close to EA levels. Such things should have no place in full price games.

It is baffling how Nintendo tends to jump between extremes with DLC. We have the great Mario Kart 8 and Pikmin offerings. We have the mediocre Smash. DLC and the pretty awful New Super Mario Bros. 2 packs and now this. It is pretty obvious that Nintendo is treading the waters. They want to find out what they can get away with. And now we need to tell them that this isn't ok.

I won't touch the Xenoblade DLC and I will tell Nintendo why. Because I would hate to see Nintendo become a company that I won't support anymore. As a fan you should always be the first one to point out wrongdoings or missteps of the company.

In the End this DLC sends all the wrong signals and the customer now has to answer. We have to show Nintendo that this kind of DLC won't be accepted.
Or what is your take on this dilemma? Are you still looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles X? Will you buy the game, but ignore the DLC? Will you boycott the whole product?

and as always

thanks for readin

source: http://xenobladex.jp/

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