Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Top 5 3rd Party Franchise that should be on the Nintendo Switch

Calling the relationship between Nintendo and the 3rd Party developers difficult is a slight understatement. During the Glory Days of the SNES Nintendos position as the market leader had them grow quite presumptuous. Their dominance in those days allowed them to treat 3rd party games on their platforms as a secondary thought. As we know these days are long gone. In todays market the 3rd Partys often overshadow the First Party offerings of a console. But Nintendo still had the mindset of their early days. This lead to the pretty bad 3rd Party support during the Wii and Wii-U days. And while the Wii cushioned the shock through it's success and because it was cheap to develop for, the Wii-U suffered the full brunt of that failed policy.

Now with the Switch Nintendo has vowed to change many things and their relationship with the 3rd Party developers is one of those. And while Skyrim on the Switch is not enough to quench my worries, I believe that they truly try to get things right this time.
In todays industry a solid offering of 3rd Party titles is important for the success of any console. And because of that today I'd like to share my five picks for 3rd Party game series that need to be on the Nintendo Switch.

5: Assassins Creed

I'm not specifically talking about Assassins Creed in this entrant, but use the series more as an example for the Ubisoft Open World style of games. No one can deny that Watch Dogs, FarCry and Assassins Creed share a similar structure in their world building, but also no one can deny that these games are hugely successful. And they would certainly be a valuable asset in the Nintendo Switches Library.

From all the big publisher Ubisoft always struck me as the one with the best ties to Nintendo. They even supported the Wii-U for far longer than any other 3rd Party Company. And because of that we got two Assassins Creed Games for the system. But here is the thing that has to change with the Switch.
Although Ubisoft supported the Wii-U it was a rather half hearted support. We got Assassins Creed but we didn't get any DLC or support for the game. So from the get go Wii-U owners knew they would get an inferior version. The natural consequence of this was lackluster sales for the series on Nintendo Platforms. Why should I buy a inferior version on my Wii-U, if I can also buy a better one on my PS4/X-Box One/PC.

Ubisof seems quite dedicated to the Nintendo Switch and I'm sure for the first one or two years they will support it regardless of its success. But this time they hopefully do it right. That means no gimped or late ports of actual games and full support.

4: Fifa/Madden

I know, FIFA has already been confirmed for the Nintendo Switch, but even the Wii-U got FIFA 13. No I'm talking about long term support. The Switch needs to get the yearly release of those games. And it needs to be on par with the other consoles offerings. Multiplayer, Ultimate Team... everything needs to be on-board.

Because if the Switch version is in any ways inferior to the PS4 or X-Box offerings then it's not a real choice you have. If this is the case and you have the chance to buy the game on another system you naturally will choose the best version. And for people, who only own a Nintendo console, this will be an even worse situation. Because if you buy the inferior version of the game on the Switch, you'll always be reminded of that fact. And because of that many will instead choose to ignore the game. This leads to bad sales and this leads to no long-term support.

So this time EA needs to do it right from the start. Hopefully they will.

3: Call of Duty

Love it or Hate it, but you can't deny that Call of Duty is one of the most influential gaming series of all time. Year after year it sells millions of copies and even when it's declining, like this years Infinite Warfare, it still outperforms nearly every other game series on the planet. Call of Duty is huge, and honestly it's not a bad game series. Even Infinite Warfare, which got a lot of flak, is a fine game. But the yearly release schedule doesn't do the series any favors.

Call of Duty should be on the Switch for several reasons. First of all it is a sign towards the more adult oriented players, that the Switch also offers experiences for them. And yes I know that the game is mostly played by twelve year olds.
Still it is a hugely successful series and the focus on Multiplayer could help Nintendo promote their Online Services.

It simply would be a wasted opportunity to get some of the shooter crowd onto the Nintendo Switch. And even some of the more dedicated Nintendo Fans probably crave a good ego-shooter from time to time. Just look how successful Goldeneye was on the N64.

And if Nintendo can't even get the biggest gaming franchise on the Planet onto their console, then why should the customer trust them to get other 3rd Party AAA-Games?

2: The Elder Scrolls: 6

I know this game hasn't even been announced yet, but we all know that it is in development. After the monumental success of Skyrim you can be damn sure that Bethesda won't let this series die. And you can also be sure that the next game in the franchise will be an even bigger success. Building on the foundation of Skyrim everyone and their grandma will want to play The Elder Scrolls 6.

And that is the reason why it needs to be on the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo has promised that with the Switch they won't forget Hardcore Gamers. People, who love to delve into a game for hours upon hours. The Elder Scrolls is the pinnacle of such games. Bringing the next installment to the Switch would be a showing that this time Nintendo truly intends to follow through on their promise and that the 3rd Party Developers are on-board for more than the first year. It's a sign that the 3rd Party truly believes in the Switch and it's success. And if the developers have faith in the console, then we, the customers, can too.

1: GTA

Well what else could be Number One than the biggest Game on the Planet. And yes even though Overwatch is huge and Pokemon is a phenom, nothing comes close to the Sales, Hype and Media Attention of GTA. So bringing this series to the Nintendo Switch would be absolutely massive.

GTA 5 sold nearly 60 Million Copies worldwide. That is a feat that no other game manage to pull off. And yes Nintendo Fans aren't normally people, who buy GTA, but with the Switch Nintendos aim is to extend far beyond their faithful fans. And no other game is capable of doing that like the GTA series.

So while Rockstar and Take 2 have shown little to no interest in developing for the Switch so far, it is now up to Nintendo to provide them with an environment that makes it desirable to bring their games to the Switch. If the manage to pull this off, it will be a huge win for the Switch and a sign for a golden future.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Which games or franchise would you like to see on the Nintendo Switch? Let me know your opinions in the comments.

And as always

thanks for reading

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