Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Top 5 upcoming Nintendo Games

2017 proves to be an interesting year for Nintendo. The Nintendo Switch launched with great success, but supply shortages and a lack of big titles have seen it slow down somewhat. Of course it's still far from being a Wii-U. Everytime a new shipment of consoles hits the shelves they are sold out in a matter of hours. At least where I live. And with the release of Splatoon 2 the small software drought that plagued the console through April and May seems to be finally over. Also the future is looking more than bright.

On the other hand we have the 3DS, which, despite being at the end of its lifespan, still gets great new releases. It even got a new iteration with the New 2DS. It seems Nintendo really is standing by their word to support their dedicated handheld and don't see the Switch as a replacement.

Now focusing solely on the Software Nintendo has had a good year so far. ARMS, a completely new IP, launched with solid sales and scores from game critics and The Legend of Zelda has blown every person and their mother completely out of the water. But this year is far from over and if we take a small peek into the future we still have an exciting line-up on the Horizon.

So today I'd like to talk about the 5 Games upcoming Nintendo games you should get most excited about.

5: Mario & Rabbids: Kingdom Battle

For a long time I wouldn't believe that this game actually existed. I couldn't believe it.
I'm not a big fan of the Rabbids and I probably won't get this game for exactly that reason, but despite that we all should still get excited for that release. First and foremost because the game looks really good. Well apart for the damn Rabbids. Most importantly the gameplay looks polished and like it could be a lot of fun. I'm not the first one to state that, but it strongly reminds me of X-Com, which is never a bad sign. The combat seems to be very strategical, but still the presentation makes it look really fast paced and action driven.

The Gameplay, however, isn't the only thing that looks exciting about this game. It's the implications that Mario & Rabbids: Kingdom Battle has. This is the first in a long time that Nintendo has given one of their IPs to another company. Not only that but they allowed this company to create their own crossover game. Now I'm not saying that from now on Nintendo should hand out the rights to develop their titles left and right, but if they are willing to give Mario to Ubisoft, so that they can develop a strategy game including him, they may be willing to do the same with other IPs. IPs which could truly benefit from a new angle or even just a new game in their franchise. If Nintendo is unwilling or unable to create a new entry then why not give it over to another Publisher, so that they can develop a game for the Switch. Mario & Rabbids: Kingdom Battle proves that this is now a possibility and that makes me very excited. My fingers are crossed for an Advanced War revival.

Also just look how proud the creator of the game is.

4: Pokemon UltraSun/UltraMoon

Probably the last proper Pokemon Games released for the 3DS these will surely be great experiences. I'm feeling that with the transition towards the Nintendo Switch Pokemon will surely change. It will be just as groundbreaking as Zelda and Mario transitioning into 3D during the N64 era. Anything less would be disappointing.
And because of that I think that UltraSun and UltraMoon will be the last hooray for the Pokemon series on dedicated Handhelds. GameFreak will cram everything they can into these titles. I have the feeling that UltraSun and UltraMoon will be the Ultimate Pokemon experience.

3: Xenoblade Chronicles 2

The first Xenoblade Chronicles was one of the best JRPGs of all time. And it's spiritual successor Xenoblade Chronicles X was my personal game of the Year in 2015. So when Nintendo announced Xenoblade Chronicles 2 during the Switch event in January I couldn't believe my luck. And when they announced that the game would launch this year I lost it.
First of all the game looks great. I really love the kind of open worlds Monolith creates. And I think the decision to go full Anime style with the characters instead of a mixture like in X was the right one. Also I'm sure they'll fix the FPS issues and rough edges until release.
I'm simply looking forward to exploring this world. Because while Breath of the Wild created probably the greatest open world of all time (up until now), one thing that that the Xenoblade titles have, that Breath of the Wild lacks, is something truly unique. Don't get me wrong I love Hyrule, but something like Noctilum or Sylvalum you can't find in any other game. Monolith are experts in creating unique and alien worlds. Stepping foot into the Noctilum for the first time and hearing the amazing overworld score will forever be one of my greatest gaming moments.

And with Xenoblade 2 I'm sure Monolith will deliver once again. The trailers alone make me wanna experience this world. Just like Mira these new world simply feels awe inspiring. And it also helps that all Xenoblade Games so far were also pretty good in the gameplay department.
It's a shame that Xenoblade 2 launches in a year with Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild. Otherwise I'm sure it would be one of the main contenders for my game of the year spot.

2: Metroid: Samus Returns

It's a new Metroid title. A new 2D Metroid title. Forget that it's a remake of the GameBoy game. Just look at this and tell me you're not excited.

Forget Peach, Zelda and Co. For me Samus will always be the first Lady of Nintendo. And to see her (hopefully) return to form is just great.
Metroid has had it rough in the last couple of years. Metroid Other M, while mechanically good, was a storyline mess and did a lot of damage to Samus as a character. And while Metroid Prime: Federation Force may have been an okay game it cam at completely the wrong time. It felt more like an insult towards Metroid fans.

But now Nintendo seems to be back on track and intends to bring Metroid back into the spotlight were the series belongs. With the renaissance of the the MetroidVania genre in the last couple of years, mostly thanks to indie developers, this is the perfect timing to bring back one of the founders of the whole genre.
Also if the gameplay from the Nintendo Treehouse is anything to go by we don't need to be concerned for the quality of the game. Samus Returns looks and plays amazing.

1: Mario Odyssey

Of course this game is number 1. After Breath of the Wild this is the biggest game of the year for anyone owning a Nintendo Switch. And while Link returned to his 2D roots with his newest game, Mario chooses a different direction. It's also a return, but instead of going all the way back it's a return to the leveldesign of one of the most important games of all time. When Super Mario 64 launched it wowed its audience with worlds that seemed endless. Super Mario Sunshine also followed in the same vein, but with Mario Galaxy 1&2 and Super Mario 3D World Nintendo steered 3D Mario titles into a different direction. The focus shifted more onto the platforming, instead of exploring spacious worlds. Of course this wasn't a bad thin, and in the end it served to make the announcement of Super Mario Odyssey all the more special.

Just like with Breath of the Wild one year before Mario just stole the show during this years e3. And once again Nintendo proved that if they change the formula of one of their established franchises, then they truly intend to knock it out of the park.

Super Mario Odyssey is a game that is fun even when you're just watching someone else playing it. The levels look so vibrant and colorful that you just want to jump in and start adventuring.

Mario has always been great, but this is the first time since the original Galaxy that I felt a rush of excitement, when watching a Mario game. Odyssey surely has the potential to be a true game changer.

So what are your most anticipated games for this year? Let me know in the comments below.

And as always

thanks for reading

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