Monday, November 21, 2016

My Top 5 Games, which deserve a Port for the Nintendo Switch

Several weeks ago Nintendo finally revealed the Switch, but if you thought that the Rumors would stop because of that, oh boy you were wrong. Quite the contrary to be honest. Now that we know the basics of the Switch the rumor mills have been sent into overdrive. Of course it didn't help that Nintendo has still kept many things about the Switch a secret. From its price to its power to the launch line up. The Switch event in January will surely shed some light on that, and I understand that Nintendo wants the Holiday focus firmly on Pokemon Sun and Moon and the Nintendo NES Mini, but you can't really blame the people for craving more information.

In regards of the launch line-up something that is often mentioned are ports of popular Wii-U Games. Or to be more precise enhanced Ports featuring better graphics and more content. And while I as Wii-U owner am not excited about this, but I can see why this is an attractive prospect for Nintendo. It's an easy way of inciting new buyers to get the Switch if they get the Best of Wii-U games next to brand new switch titles. And that is also todays topic. I'd like to present to you my Top 5 Wii-U Games, which should get a enhanced Switch port.

5: Super Mario Maker

Super Mario Maker is the (near) perfect 2D Mario experience. It's level design toolkit has shown how imaginative the fanbase can be. And also how cruel, unforgiving and sadistic. And after creating a subpar Port for the Nintendo 3DS I think Super Mario Maker: Switch could be the perfect way for Nintendo to redeem themselves. They just have to make it compatible with the Wii-U Version and you already have Millions of unique levels to play. But what should they do to enhance the port?

Well that is simple. Add new things to the toolkit. Different Stage themes like Desert, Snow or Lava World. Add a new graphical style. For example the Style used for the Lost Levels in Super Mario Allstars. Add new enemies and slopes and so forth. It is really simple to enhance this game. Also they could offer these additions to the Wii-U Version as either free or paid DLC. This would ensure that both, the Swith and the Wii-U Version of the game, remain compatible.

I think it's still to early to release another entry into the New Super Mario Bros. series, so this port could help to fill the craving for new 2D Mario games without tiring the fanbase. It's an easy guess and I would be shocked if we didn't see Super Mario Maker in any form or capacity on the Nintendo Switch.

4: Mario Kart 8

I think this is the rumored port that I'm least excited for. Mario Kart 8 is an excellent game, but I don't think a Port of it would be that great. Rumors suggest that it would contain several new tracks as well as an improved battle mode. I was never the biggest fan of battle mode, so I don't care much about that and new tracks are fine and well, but I'd prefer a complete Mario Kart 9 instead.

But it can't be denied that Mario Kart 8 would be a sure System Seller on the Switch. It has an insane attach rate on the Wii-U after all. Also it wouldn't be to hard to create an enhanced port of the game. I guess they'd add four more cups, bringing the number of cups to sixteen, which is double the amount than in a normal Mario Kart game.

Next to following game I think Mario Kart 8: Enhanced Edition is the safest bet on this whole list.

3: Super Smash Bros.

Include all DLC characters, stages and costumes and you're done. People would eat this game up. If you want to be extremely generous also add some stages from the 3DS version, the Ice Climbers and a true Single Player Mode.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii-U is one of the greatest video games ever created. It has an insane amount of content and a great battle system. But it also took a long time to create and even cost Sakurai some of his health, so I don't think he and his team are ready to create a new one soon. An enhanced Port of the Wii-U Version would solve this problem and give the Switch one of the biggest games ever created for its launch.

Smash Bros is one of the series that nearly everyone wants to play and getting the most complete one with all DLC and bonus content included would create a big incentive to buy a Nintendo Switch. I think a port of this game is pretty much guaranteed. It's even more likely than Mario Kart 8.

2: Hyrule Warriors

This may come as a surprise to some of you, but I think this game could really benefit from an enhanced port. Bringing together the content from Wii-U and 3DS alone would create a huge game, but if they include even more characters, for example Fan Favorite Groose, which wouldn't justify a full sequel by themselves, this port would be absolutely jacked full of content. It could also bridge the gap until the Breath of the Wild release, if the rumored delay is true.

Hyrule Warriors isn't a classic Zelda game, but it is the ultimate Zelda fan game. I know several people, who didn't buy a Wii-U and weren't interested in playing the game on the small 3DS Screen. For this people this could be a great incentive to buy the Switch. Especially because they know they'll also get a real Zelda game within the first year.

By combining the content from 3DS and Wii-U as well as adding a handful of new characters and stages they could create an Ultimate Version of the Ultimate Zelda Fan Game.

1: Xenoblade Chronicles X

Xenoblade is the best game on the Wii-U. It is better than Bayonetta or Mario 3D World or even Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze. The only game hoping to dethrone it is Breath of the Wild.
The World of Mira is one of the best designed alien worlds I have ever experienced. Seeing it in full HD and 60FPS on the Nintendo Switch would be a dream come true.

Xenoblade is the perfect candidate for an enhanced port, because of it's low sales figures on the Wii-U. If the Switch manages to capture some Hardcore Gamers this game could very well be one of the reasons why. A huge, complex RPG may not be a System seller in itself, but it could very well be the tipping point at which many consider buying the system.

Also Mira deserves to be experienced by as much people as possible.

That would be my five suggestions for enhanced ports on the Nintendo Switch. Releasing those over the course of the first year together with several new games would give the System as solid library that satisfies every Nintendo Fan. Oh and before you ask why Splatoon isn't on this list. It's because I really want a true Splatoon 2 including playable Octolings.

So what games would you like to see ported to the Switch? Or are you against remastering and rehashing every remotely successful game from the previous generation? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

And as always

thanks for reading

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