Monday, November 14, 2016

My Top 5 Iconic Nintendo Tunes

Music has a huge part in creating iconic gaming memories. Halo would be not as big without it's iconic chorus. Everyone knows the Tetris theme. These pieces of music have become iconic themselves and in the process also made their games larger than life.
It is a shame that many actual video games opt to use fancy songs from famous musicians to promote themselves instead of forging a distinct audio identity.

While visual memories may be stronger in general, you can't argue that hearing a special tune from your childhood can trigger some powerful emotions. But I'm not here to analyze visual and audio memory and tell you which is stronger.
Today I want to introduce you to my selection of the five most iconic Nintendo tunes. This is probably one of the most subjective lists I've done so far. And there is no arguing that everyone has wildly varied memories and experiences, when thinking about this subject.

So just lean back and hopefully enjoy my selection of the Top 5 most iconic Nintendo Tunes.

5: Pokemon Red/Blue Main Theme

No I'm not talking about the Anime Opening, although there is probably no one on earth, who can't sing along to it, but instead I mean the opening tune to the original Gameboy games.


Next to the Tetris tune this was the defining music of the Gameboy days. It's dramatic start helps to perfectly frame the battle occurring on the screen, before switching over to the actual start screen. The tension lightens up and is replaced by a hopeful tune of adventure. The marching drums in the background are perfect to convey this feeling of a grand journey that is about to start.

It is a simple tune, and given the limited technical tools they had to work with, this is understandable, but because of that simplicity it is so memorable. A trend that will occur more than once on this list.

The Pokemon theme is the perfect tune to start an adventure. It is a positive outlook on the wonders ahead. It motivates you to venture out in the wild and Catch em all. And it is one of the defining tunes of many childhoods.
That's why it's a deserved Number 5 on this list.

4: Donkey Kong Country Opening Theme


Donkey Kong Country is a groundbreaking game and one of the best Jump'N'Runs to ever exist. And even though I prefer the second installment and have Yoshis Island as my favourite Jump'n'Run of all time, I can't deny that the first Donkey Kong Country changed the game.

The Opening is a testament to this. It starts of with a nostalgic flashback to the original Donkey Kong with Cranky, before our main protagonist drops in and changes everything. The tune that follows encompasses everything that is great about this game. It's full of energy, but still has such a smooth groove to it. The underlying bass line just eases you up, while the screaming E-Guitar makes you headbang at the same time.

David Wise is a genius in capturing the essence of a level or game with his music. The Donkey Kong Country theme captures everything great about the game. The powerful and energetic passages, but also the more somber and darker ambient parts of the game. It is a quint essence of the adventures awaiting you on DK Island.

3: Super Mario Bros. Main Theme


Ok this was a simple pic. You can't talk about music in Nintendo Games or Games in general and not mention this song. Super Mario Bros. is lauded as one of the most important games of all time so often, and just as often the Music is kinda overlooked. This tune just has it all. It's simplistic and catchy, but it perfectly captures what Mario is all about.

It perfectly accompanies a whimsical adventure battling walking Mushrooms, Turtles and Piranha Plants. (Even though the first Mario game has a pretty dark backstory. Check it out in my Top 5 Darkest Nintendo Games list)
Just whistle this tune in the middle of a group of people and at least one other will join you. Everyone knows this song. I would go as far as to call it the quintessential Video Game tune.

The Super Mario Theme still works today, not only from a nostalgic viewpoint, but because it is a great and timeless classic. It is charming in all the right places and it's upbeat and happy go lucky nature will push you through even the hardest parts of the game.

2: The Legend of Zelda Main Theme


Koji Kondo is a genius. If there was ever any doubt, just take an extended listen to this tune. It is amazing what he created with the limited technology of the NES. This theme has it all. The promise of grand adventure. The darkness of Ganon on the Horizon. And what is most important, the mystery of an uncharted land ready for exploration.

The melody is simple and easily recognizable. The melancholic start slowly builds until it reaches the tune of hope and adventure we all know and love. To me the theme speaks of hope and Danger. Of Adventure and Exploration. The Tale of a Hero.

The Main theme simply captures everything that is great about the Legend of Zelda. There isn't much more to say about this. It's perfect. It's timeless. So just listen and enjoy.

1: Super Metroid Main Theme

The last metroid is in captivity. The Galaxy is at peace.


Speaking of tunes that perfectly capture the spirit of their game. Arguably the best game on the SNES and among the top pics for best game of all time Super Metroid is a masterpiece through and through. And it's Main Theme isn't an exception.

At the beginning the music speaks of danger and despair. It sets the tone of a dark space adventure. But then the legendary tune sets in and marks the arrival of Samus Aran. Hope has come. It lifts the whole atmosphere, while still retaining the dark ground tone. The drums are used perfectly in the background to enhance both, the uplifting part of the tune as well as the dark and brooding one.

For me this music tells the tale of Super Metroid perfectly. You are all alone on this dark and dangerous alien planet. Surrounded by strange beasts and hostile creatures. But don't despair. Because you're Samus Aran. In this dark and brooding corridors in the depths of Zebes you're the ray of hope.
It simply conveys everything great about that game. The lonely and dark atmosphere. The Badassery of Samus Aran. This tune serves as your inspiration and your drive to start the adventure and save the Galaxy. It simply doesn't get much better than this.

And that was my selection for the Top 5 Iconic Gaming themes. I realize that this list only includes games from more than twenty years ago, and I think I'll do another list about more modern classics in the future, but for now, what are your favorite gaming tunes? It doesn't matter if from a classic or a more recent game.
Let me know in the comments.

And as always

thanks for reading

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