Monday, January 23, 2017

Top 5 Challenges in Mario Games

Mario Games are known for their imaginative level design, perfect platforming and overall great gameplay. They're hardly ever mentioned in Lists containing the hardest games though. Still the original Super Mario Bros. 2 was deemed to hard for the West back in the day. That's why we got a reskin of a different game sold to us as Super Mario Bros. 2.
From that well known anecdote you can tell that Mario and difficulty isn't mutually exclusive. In fact some levels in the modern Mario games rank among the hardest platforming challenges you can face.
The great thing about these is that they are often optional. You don't need to complete them to face off against Bowser and safe Peach, but if you want to complete the Game 100% then there is no way around it.

So while Mario is normally seen as child and family friendly, today I want to focus on his other side. The dark depths of countless hours and lifes lost in the most brutal challenges the Mushroom Kingdom has to offer. These Challenges are the crowning Achievement towering over their games as final goals to conquer.

5: Super Mario Galaxy 2: The Perfect Run

Super Mario Galaxy 2 improved a lot of things over it's predecessor. There were some really great ideas in this sequel and the Levels, even though they focused even more on the obstacle course platforming, were great.
On of the biggest improvements however was the ''Post Game.'' While in the original Galaxy game you had to collect all 120 Stars again with Luigi, this time you got 120 completely new Green Stars to find. Given these were only hidden away in the existing levels and not as fleshed out as regular Stars. Despite this fact the Galaxy wide scavenger hunt was a lot of fun. And as a reward for finding all 120 Green Stars you unlocked the Grand Master Galaxy.
This Galaxy offered two final Stars. One for the regular Run and one for the Perfect Run, where you only had one Hit Point and no Checkpoints.

The Perfect Run is the crowning Jewel in the Crown that is Super Mario Galaxy 2. It demands you to use everything you have learned over the course of the game perfectly. There is hardly any room for mistakes.
After an initial two Parts where you can use Yoshi you then reach the first challenge. A room full of Lasers and Wind, where you have to use the Cloud Suit to carefully maneuver around. It's important to take a fresh Cloud Suit with some Charges left into the next section, because it makes everything a lot easier.
The following part is the one I always struggle the most with. Switch Platforms, difficult jumps and a bombardment from all sides make this a nightmare without the Cloud Suit to help you out.
The Run ramps up the difficulty in each section until you reach the final nail biter against a gauntlet of Hammer Bros and the final three Boomerang Bros.

Beating the Perfect Run will give you a huge feeling of accomplishment because it is literally a perfect run. You beat the hardest level in the game without getting hit once. And all that just to meet Rosalina... what we do for women.

4: Super Mario Sunshine: The Poison River

I hate this Shine so much. It's by far the hardest Shine in the whole game and it's just not fun. In comparison to the Perfect Run, which ramps up it's difficulty over time this just slaps you in the face with the worst kind of Trial & Error. It is just brutally punishing.

Your goal is to collect eight red coins scattered across a poisonous river. Doesn't sound so bad? I thought so too until I played the goddamn thing. You see there are several hiccups, which complicate the whole process. First you only have one chance to collect the Coins. If you reach the goal without all of them, you lose. Theoretically you can go back before reaching the goal and collect the missed coins, but two factors pose a problem to that. First going against the flow of the river is extremely hard and second the water lily you use to traverse the river doesn't last forever before it disintegrates into the poisonous water.
And the last small problem you'll face is that Mario can't touch the water. At all. One dip into it and you're finished.

So you have a hard to control ''vehicle'' and a zero tolerance for mistakes. The perfect recipe for an unforgiving, hard and merciless challenge. I know several people, who never fully completed Super Mario Sunshine because of this Shine Sprite.

3: Super Mario 3D World: Champions Road

Super Mario 3D World got a lot of flak during it's unveil because it was a continuation of Super Mario 3D Lands style of Gameplay. Upon it's release most of the critics shut up however, because the game was just superb. There was only one criticism that kept popping up then and now. The Game was to easy. And they where kinda right. Apart from one level the road to the final Bowser Fight was pretty chill. But that only takes half the game into account. Because after you beat Cat Bowser (Meowser) you then travel to a whole new world. In the truest sense of the World.
The Post Game content in Super Mario 3D World is among the best in any Super Mario Game. The Game offers you three Worlds filled with new Levels as well as remixes of old ones. And to top it all of, once you've collected all Stamps, Green Stars and Level Exits, you can then head to the true final World.

World Crown offers a challenging Toad Stage, a brutal Mystery House and the final level of the game.
Champions Road is a curious case because honestly it could fit in at any place on this top list. The reason for that is that you can make the level tremendously easier by heading in with two Power-Ups. So if you start the level with a Tanuki Suit and a Cat Suit the experience is completely different than if you tackle it in your base form. This means that the player decides how hard the challenge ultimately will be. So with Power-Ups it would feel comfortable at the Number 5 spot, while it can also easily claim the top spot without them.
Also the level has only two truly challenging parts in my opinion. The second part with the Disco Blocks and the key collection at the very end.
But it can't be denied that this level is among the hardest in any Mario Game and finishing it, alone or with your friends, is a tremendous accomplishment.

2: New Super Mario Bros. 2: The Impossible Pack

New Super Mario Bros. 2 was a curious case. This and New Super Mario Bros. U were released back to back and as result they hit franchise fatigue quite hard. Also it didn't help that the game was generally very well made, but completely unremarkable.
The main theme of the game took the challenge completely away because you always had more than enough lives and the normal levels weren't really challenging to be honest.

But Nintendo offered a solution for all masochistic Mario Fans out there. New Super Mario Bros. 2 offers a Coin Rush Mode. The goal there is to complete a level as fast as possible while gathering as many coins as possible. And for that Mode Nintendo offered a DLC package called the Impossible Pack. And well... they delivered.

The Impossible Pack features three extremely difficult stages. Unlike other Coin Rush stages there are no coins inside the levels themselves, so the only way of earning some is through the time bonus when you complete a level. So not only are these stages extremely hard, but you also have to rush through them to reach the 100 Gold goal of these stages.
The Impossible Pack demands you to use every move in Marios Toolkit to utmost perfection. You need timing, precision and good reflexes to survive the courses. If you want to test your mastery of Marios Moveset then there is no better (and harder) set of levels for you.

1: New Super Mario Bros. U: Don't. Touch. Anything.

Now the Impossible Set tests your mastery of Marios moves to the utmost, but what if there existed a challenge that did that and also wanted you to ignore everything you about the basics of Mario that you know? Well ask no further because this challenge exists.

New Super Mario Bros. U, just like new Super Mario Bros. 2, didn't really offer anything new. It was a well made 2D Mario Game, but nothing to brag about. But that is not entirely true because it did offer something new. Something exciting. Something that was one of the best additions to any Mario Game in a long time. It offered a Challenge Mode. This was a separate mode with different challenges, for example collecting a lot of One Ups, Time Attack or survival.
One set of challenges was the Con Collection in which you had do collect a certain amount of coins within a time limit. Until you reached the last challenge in that set.

Don't. Touch. Anything is, like the Name implies, a challenge where you aren't allowed to touch anything. Touching an enemy or collecting six coins immediately fails the stage. So you have to fight your internalized urges to stomp Gumbas and collect coins, while maneuvering through the level. All the while several Lakitus throw down Spinies from above.
Completing the level alone is extremely hard but to earn a gold medal you're truly not allowed to touch anything.
This stage will test your mastery of Mario to the utmost, while also demanding you to ignore your trained reflexes. If you can manage to get a Gold Medal here, then you're a true Mario Master.

So what stages always give you the hardest time in Mario Games? Anything in particular where you always get stuck? Let me know in the comments.

And as always
thanks for reading

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